The Mauritius Institute
of Training and Development took over the functions of the Industrial and
Vocational Training Board (1989) and part of the Technical School Management
Trust Fund (1994) in 2009.
The MITD is administered by a Board with
representatives from both the public and private sectors as well as TVET
The University of Mauritius was created as a developmental university in 1965. Effective work, however, started in 1968, the main thrust being the provision of trained manpower for the development of independent Mauritius. In 1979, the Review Committee on the Organisation and Development of the University recommended a revised approach to the concept of a developmental university and foresaw a more extended range of disciplines appropriate to the changing needs of the country. Later, after 1987, five Faculties, namely Agriculture, Engineering, Law and Management, Science and Social Studies and Humanities, were set up. Then came the creation of the SSR Centre for Medical Studies and Research, the Centre for Distance Learning and, more recently, the Centre for Information Technology and Systems. The setting up of the University of the Indian Ocean in 1998 has created new opportunities for the University of Mauritius to collaborate with other universities in the region. This is in addition to other international collaborative programmes.