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social security and fringe benefitsThe National Pensions Fund (NPF) manages contributions made to the National Pensions Scheme by employees and employers in both the public and private sectors. Contributions to the National Pension Fund and the levy payable under the Industrial and Vocational Training Act, the various bonus payments, and paid leave, can add up to 30% approximately of the basic payroll of employers. In addition, employers must pay meal allowances in some sectors when workers are required to work overtime. Travel allowances are payable in most sectors if the journey between the workplace and the area where the worker lives, exceeds a specified distance. Workers are normally paid extra if they do not take the annual and sick leave they are entitled to.


Most social security benefits, including medical care and old age pension but excluding the national pension are provided free of charge by the Government. The more frequent fringe benefits for expatriate executives include house allowances or the provision of free accommodation, a company car, air fares to the home country for the family and a contribution towards children school fees.